Putting The Why in Style
Andy Warhol said it best: good business is the best art. The fashion industry, to me, is one of the best qualifiers of the Warhol quote. It can be polarizing, it can fulfill the bare minimum, it can be innovative and unique. I created this blog to discuss all of its facets and nuances. While I love talking about the colors that are on-trend and analyzing the personal styles of celebrities or fictional characters, I am always thinking about the why. Why is this trending? Sometimes it is as simple as just giving people cute outfits and reporting trends, but sometimes the "why" is about what's up next in fashion and how it's going to change. I want my blog to be fun and digestible, but I especially want it to remind everybody that this industry can be more than just disposable. I want to make it known that trends do not become popular without reason, and I will discuss why the context is relevant.